Studies involving CBD and depression

Additional sources of information Other articles on CBD and depression
Additional sources of information Other articles on CBD and depression
As studies on the beneficial effects of CBD pile up, it was only a matter of time before the medical community started to research the possibility of using CBD as a cure for depression.A 2014, a study conducted with animal models proved that CBD has
Depression can become dangerous if left untreated. 65% of people who suffer from depression in the US do not seek professional help. Untreated depression can cause serious problems in the patient’s everyday life by increasing conflict, causing lethargy, and increasing the chances
Depression can be diagnosed by a licensed professional, who can determine whether someone suffers from depression through counseling. This requires the patient to be open about their experiences and ready to accurately describe their symptoms. Depressed individuals often feel like they are
Scientists at Harvard University, have used advanced brain imaging such as PET scans and fMRI scans in order to get a closer look at the inner workings of the brain. Use of this sophisticated technology has led to a better understanding of the
A 2014 CDC report claims that in the period between 2009–2012, 7.6% of Americans aged 12 and over had moderate or severe depressive symptoms. The most prone age group that showed signs of depressive disorder were females and persons aged 40–59.The report also
Feeling depressed is a common part of life. It is a normal coping mechanism of the human organism in the face of loss and disaster. The problem starts when depression lasts for an extended amount of time and/or prevents an individual from